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Getting Started

Prerequisite for this guide:

Define your first config

The first step will be to define the config struct in protobuf. The protobuf file will be used to generate a marshaler of in the language of choice which can be used alongside the gRPC client to pull configs from the protoconf agent gRPC endpoint.

// file: ./src/myproject/myconfig.proto
syntax = "proto3";

message MyConfig {
    uint32 connection_timeout = 1;
    uint32 max_retries = 2;
    NestedStruct another_struct = 3;

message NestedStruct {
    string hello_world = 1;

Code your config

Create a .pconf file to populate the config struct with the required values.

file: ./src/myproject/myconfig.pconf
load("myconfig.proto", "MyConfig", "NestedStruct")

def main():
    return MyConfig(
            hello_world="Hello World!"

Compile and check results

Our working directory is now ready to be compiled. Run protoconf compile .. The compiler will create a new file under materialized_configs/myproject/myconfig.materialized_JSON which can be used to validate the result of the config.

// file: materialized_configs/myproject/myconfig.materialized_JSON
  "protoFile": "myproject/myconfig.proto",
  "value": {
    "@type": "",
    "connectionTimeout": 5,
    "maxRetries": 5,
    "anotherStruct": {
      "helloWorld": "Hello World!"

Add validators

You might want to make sure no one can accidentally reduce the connection_timeout config below 3. If he wish to do so, he can add a validator to the MyConfig struct:

file: ./src/myproject/myconfig.proto-validator
load("myconfig.proto", "MyConfig")

def validate_connection_timeout(config):
    if config.connection_timeout <= 3:
        fail("connection_timeout must be 3 or higher, got: %d" % config.connection_timeout)

add_validator(MyConfig, validate_connection_timeout)

Consume your config locally

To test his configs locally, you can run protoconf agent -dev . The agent is now running and listening on and ready to accept gRPC calls.

Install the grpc and protobuf tools to generate the stub code to communicate with the protoconf gRPC agent.

$ pip install grpcio-tools
$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -Isrc --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ./src/myproject/myconfig.proto
$ git clone
$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -Iprotoconf/agent/api/proto/ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. protoconf/agent/api/proto/v1/protoconf_service.proto

Write a simple python code that will use the generated code to communicate with the agent.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import grpc
from v1.protoconf_service_pb2_grpc import ProtoconfServiceStub
from v1.protoconf_service_pb2 import ConfigSubscriptionRequest
from myproject.myconfig_pb2 import MyConfig

channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:4300")
stub = ProtoconfServiceStub(channel)

config = MyConfig()
for update in stub.SubscribeForConfig(ConfigSubscriptionRequest(path="myproject/myconfig")):

Run the python code and make a change to the ./src/myproject/myconfig.pconf. After running protoconf compile . again, you will see the config changes in your running software.

Prepare for Production

Use a supported KV store to release the config to production. The supported storages are: Consul, Etcd or Zookeeper.

$ consul agent -dev &
$ protoconf insert -store consul -store-address localhost:8500 . myproject/myconfig

Run the agent in production mode

$ protoconf agent -store consul -store-address localhost:8500

Run your code the same way as step 5. Then make a change, compile and run the protoconf insert command from step 6 again.